Please log in or register a new account to continue.

Login or Register

Use of this online civil service application requires an account linked to a valid email address. Use of this online civil service application requires an account linked to a valid PERSONAL email address. You may login with an existing account or register a new account using the forms below. To register a new account, you must have a valid PERSONAL email address. A confirmation email will be sent to you via email with instructions on how to complete setting up your account.

If you experience difficulties completing the on-line application, please save your work, sign out and try using a different device.

All communication is done through email. It is the candidates' responsibility to ensure the email address associated with this account is their current email address.

Please add our message email address,, to your address book so Ontario County Human Resource emails will get get delivered to your Inbox (and not to your Spam or Trash folders).


Minimum length 4 characters, case sensitive.
Please enter the name used on your most recent application below.


Password is case sensitive.

Lost Password?

Enter your username or email and we'll
send you your account information.